Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tabitha Robbins

Tabitha Robbins
Originally uploaded by aliciarobbins.
I arrived in Kona on Thursday afternoon. Tabitha got sick the previous day and has been sick (with a bit of pneumonia) all week. Today was the first day she seemed to feel better and acted more herself. She's been a sick girl. You know, though, when you love a kid you just want them to not hurt. You don't care if they cough in your face or wipe their nose with their hand then caress your cheek with the same. You just want to hold them and snuggle and somehow drain out the fever that is making them moan and toss. There're few things that feel better than little child arms around your neck.

Three Warthogs

Three hedgehogs
Originally uploaded by aliciarobbins.
Faces only a mother could love! Who ever saw three such attentive warthogs?
We had a yellow umbrella at the Tyler zoo, and they seemed ready to charge one minute and run the next.

the Holden's newest! baby Lucy

Monday, March 13 Lilian and Ciaran had a second daughter - Lucy Rachel. This is me holding her the next day in the hospital. She is perfect! Amazing. God is amazing.

Making smores with Sarah Whitlock

Texas winters and springs seem to merge, going back and forth in weather and temperature. One chilly night on campus, we made smores. Made me want to go camping!